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  • Doggy Workout | Tierisch bewegt

    Welcome to the doggy workout! Sport is murder, right? No of course not. On the contrary, sport - or let's say exercise - is life. A body that is moving and trained in some way is more resilient and generally healthier. In physiotherapy there are many exercises that strengthen the animal's body and thus prevent various orthopedic diseases. On this page, May and I show you the basics of muscle work and various exercises that you can easily do at home. Warm-Up Equipment Exercises Targettraining Types of Muscle Activity Warm-Up Before we get started... The most important thing first, of course: W arming up . The warm-up is often forgotten or kept too short, unfortunately also in dog sports. Regardless of whether it is a horse or a dog, the regular warm-up should always last at least 10 to 15 minutes. In particularly cold temperatures, at least 20 minutes are recommended! When warming up, muscles, tendons, ligaments, joints and the cardiovascular system are prepared for the upcoming workload and thus the risk of injury is significantly reduced. If you don't warm up your animal, you risk tendon damage, joint wear and tear and other injuries. Warm up your dogs before you exercise them. You don't have to think of a specific warm-up program. It's best if you just do these fitness exercises directly after a proper walk. Otherwise, these well-intended fitness exercises can quickly pose a risk of injury. Do I need equipment for the doggy workout? And which balance pad is best for my dog? A balance cushion/pad is actually required for a few of the exercises. Right from the start I would like to say that you don't have to spend a lot of money and buy the K9 Fitbone, for example, to do the exercises with your dog. In fact, in some cases, a slightly firmer couch cushion may suffice. The balance pads that can be bought from discounters are also completely sufficient and our dogs don't care at all. It is important to get advice beforehand, by the attending physiotherapist. The degree of hardness or the filling quantity always depends on the respective dog. If he has difficulty just standing on it or if he trembles in a tour, it is too difficult for him. The size and weight of the dog also plays a role in which pillow is suitable. A Chihuahua will do very well on a firm foam cushion, but a German Shepherd can struggle if the muscles are weak. Feel free to talk to me about it, then we can find the balance pad together that is best suited for your dog. ​ ​ I would like to address one more topic, although I am not a dog trainer. I recommend that you start target training with your dog . What is target training? The dog learns to touch an object with its nose or paw. On the one hand, this makes it easier to work with the balance cushion, and on the other hand, the exercise becomes cleaner. A target can serve as a boundary, for example if the front paws should remain stationary while the rest of the body moves. A good example is exercise 1. In the video you can see that May's paws don't come off her target. Just talk to your dog trainer about it. They can show you how to teach your dog to do this. Equipment Targettraining Types of Muscle Activity muscle work Isotonic muscle work During isotonic muscle work, there is a change in muscle length while the tension in the muscle remains the same. That is, with this type of muscle work, we see movement in the body. We distinguish between two types of isotonic work. 1. The Concentric Muscle Contraction In the first section of the video, I show you the concentric contraction of the biceps. Here the muscle shortens, I can lift the dumbbell. 2. Eccentric muscle contraction In the second section of the video, you can see the eccentric contraction of the biceps. Muscle length increases and I slowly think my arm. Without the eccentric muscle work, my arm would snap down. Isometric muscle work As you can see, you see nothing. In isometric muscle work, muscle length stays the same while tension varies. That is, with this type of muscle contraction, we do not see any movement in the body. Isometric muscle work is holding work. When we ask our dog to withstand lateral pressure, or our horse to hold its head in one position for a long period of time, that is isometric muscle work. Now, in my case, to increase the tension in my biceps, a second person could try to push my hand down. But what you have to keep in mind: just because you can't see anything doesn't mean that this type of muscle work is less strenuous. It's quite the opposite. Try it yourself. Take a weight, water bottle, whatever you have and hold it in a bent position so your biceps work isometrically. Well, how long can you hold that? The doggy workout can start! You can find all exercises here More exercises are coming soon. Exercises Exercise 1 Sit-stand alternation Exercise 2 seat-stand change dw 3 go backwards.mp4 DW- hold back in front.mp4 Exercise 5 back pressure Exercise 6 balance cushions in front dw 5 rear.mp4 dw 8 paw.mp4

  • Bioresonanz | Tierisch bewegt

    Leech therapy These little bloodsuckers are now also part of my therapy toolbox. Leeches have been used for therapeutic purposes for hundreds of years. The reason: the many active substances in the leech's saliva, including hirudin and calin. Blood clotting is inhibited and the blood vessels expand. The blood circulation is stimulated, there is a gentle bloodletting, the lymph flow is improved. Leech treatment takes an average of 30 minutes, but bleeding can last up to 12 hours. ​ Important for treatment: leeches are a bit fussy and sensitive and don't just bite everyone. Shampoos, fly sprays, tick remedies, but also antibiotics and other drugs in the patient's blood can interfere with the treatment. Therefore, such agents or medications should not be used for at least 48 hours before treatment. ​ Leeches can be used for many issues, including tendon injuries, hip dysplasia, laminitis, nerve inflammation, spondylosis, osteoarthritis and patellar dislocations.

  • Akupunktur | Tierphysiotherapie Michelle Santy | Sulzbach-Rosenberg

    Acupuncture is part of ancient Chinese medicine. It is based on the principle that there are different channels in the body through which the life energy Qi flows. If the flow of energy is disturbed, the body can no longer work properly. The patient gets sick. By placing thin needles, acupressure (with the hands), lasers or similar tools, the flow of energy can be improved again. Although the musculoskeletal system can also be supported, other illnesses can also be treated in this way, often also those where Western medicine reaches its limits. The goal is to treat the body as a whole and bring it back into balance. The animals enjoy it and sometimes relax as well. To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key. Acupuncture (from the end of 2022)

  • Datenschutz | Tierisch bewegt

    introduction We ("we", "us", "our") take the protection of the data of the users ("users" or "you") of our website and / or our mobile app (the "website" or the " Mobile app ”) and we undertake to protect the information that users provide to us in connection with the use of our website and / or our mobile app (collectively:“ digital assets ”). Furthermore, we undertake to protect and use your data in accordance with applicable law. This Privacy Policy explains our practices regarding the collection, use and disclosure of your information through your use of our digital assets (the “Services”) when you access the Services through your devices. Please read the privacy policy carefully and make sure you fully understand our practices in relation to your data before using our services. If you have read this policy, fully understood it and do not agree with our approach, you must stop using our digital assets and services. By using our services, you accept the terms of this data protection guideline. Further use of the services constitutes your acceptance of this privacy policy and all changes to it. In this privacy policy you will learn: How we collect data What data we collect Why we collect this data Who we pass the data on to Where the data is stored How long the data will be kept How we protect the data How we deal with minors Updates or changes to the privacy policy What data do we collect? Category: Always Below is an overview of the data we can collect: Unidentified and unidentifiable information that you provide during the registration process or that is collected through the use of our services ("non-personal data"). Non-personal data does not allow any conclusions to be drawn about who collected it. Non-personal information that we collect consists primarily of technical and aggregate usage information. Individually identifiable information, ie all those that can be used to identify you or that could identify you with reasonable effort (“personal data”). The personal information we collect through our services may include information that is requested from time to time, such as names, email addresses, addresses, phone numbers, IP addresses, and more. If we combine personal data with non-personal data, we will treat these as personal data as long as they exist in combination. How do we collect data? Category: Always Below are the main methods we use to collect data: We collect data when you use our services. So when you visit our digital assets and use services, we can collect, record and store the usage, sessions and related information. We collect data that you provide to us yourself, for example when you contact us directly via a communication channel (e.g. an email with a comment or feedback). We may collect data from third party sources as described below. We collect data that you provide to us when you log into our services via a third party provider such as Facebook or Google. Why do we collect this data? Category: Always We can use your data for the following purposes: to provide and operate our services; to develop, customize and improve our services; to respond to your feedback, inquiries and requests and offer help; to analyze requirement and usage patterns; for other internal, statistical and research purposes; to improve our data security and fraud prevention capabilities; to investigate violations and to enforce our terms and conditions and to comply with applicable law, regulations or government orders; to provide you with updates, news, promotional materials and other information related to our services. In the case of promotional emails, you can decide for yourself whether you want to continue receiving them. If not, just click the unsubscribe link in those emails. Who do we share this data with? Category: Always We can pass on your data to our service providers in order to operate our services (e.g. storage of data via third-party hosting services, provision of technical support, etc.). We may also disclose your information in the following circumstances: (i) to investigate, detect, prevent or take action against illegal activities or other misconduct; (ii) to establish or exercise our rights of defense; (iii) to protect our rights, property, or personal safety, and the safety of our users or the public; (iv) in the event of a change of control at our company or at one of our affiliated companies (by way of a merger, acquisition or purchase of (essentially) all assets, etc.); (v) to collect, hold and / or manage your data using authorized third-party providers (e.g. cloud service providers), insofar as this is appropriate for business purposes; (vi) to work with third parties to improve your user experience. To avoid misunderstandings, we would like to point out that we can transfer or pass on or otherwise use non-personal data to third parties at our own discretion. Category: User has a blog or forum Please note that our services enable social interactions (e.g. post content, information and comments publicly and chat with other users). We would like to point out that any content or data that you provide in these areas can be read, recorded and used by other people. We do not recommend posting or sharing information with others that you do not want to make public. If you upload content to our digital assets or otherwise make it available as part of the use of a service, this is done at your own risk. We cannot control the actions of other users or members of the public with access to your data or content. You acknowledge and confirm that copies of your data can still be accessed by third parties even after they have been deleted on cached and archived pages or after a copy / storage of your content has been made. ​ Cookies and Similar Technologies When you visit or access our services, we authorize third parties to use web beacons, cookies, pixel tags, scripts and other technologies and analysis services (“tracking technologies”). These tracking technologies can enable third parties to automatically collect your data in order to improve the navigation experience on our digital assets, to optimize their performance and to guarantee a tailor-made user experience, as well as for security and fraud prevention purposes. To find out more, please read our Cookie Policy. ​ Category: The user is NOT connected to an advertising service We will not pass on your email address or other personal data to advertising companies or advertising networks without your consent. ​ Category: The user is connected to an advertising service, a campaign manager or Facebook Ads We may serve advertising through our services and our digital assets (including websites and applications that use our services) that may also be tailored to you, such as: B. Ads based on your recent browsing habits on websites, devices or browsers. To serve these advertisements to you, we may use cookies and / or JavaScript and / or web beacons (including clear GIFs) and / or HTML5 local storage and / or other technologies. We can also use third parties, such as B. Network advertisers (i.e. third parties who show advertisements based on your website visits) to serve targeted advertisements. Third-party advertising network providers, advertisers, sponsors and / or website traffic measurement services may also use cookies and / or JavaScript and / or web beacons (including clear GIFs) and / or Flash cookies and / or other technologies to ensure effectiveness Measure your ads and customize advertising content for you. These third-party cookies and other technologies are subject to the specific privacy policy of the respective third party and not this one. Where do we store the data? Category: Always Non-personal data Please note that our companies, as well as our trusted partners and service providers, are located around the world. For the purposes outlined in this privacy policy, we store and process all non-personal data that we collect in different legal systems. Category: User collects personal data Personal data Personal data may be maintained, processed and stored in the United States, Ireland, South Korea, Taiwan, Israel and to the extent necessary for the proper provision of our services and / or required by law (as further explained below) in other jurisdictions. ​ How long will the data be kept? Category: Always Please note that we keep the collected data for as long as is necessary to provide our services, to comply with our legal and contractual obligations to you, to resolve disputes and to enforce our agreements. We can correct, supplement or delete incorrect or incomplete data at our own discretion at any time. How do we protect the data? Category: Always The hosting service for our digital assets provides us with the online platform through which we can offer you our services. Your data can be stored via the data storage, databases and general applications of our hosting provider. It stores your data on secure servers behind a firewall and offers secure HTTPS access to most areas of its services. Category: User accepts payments / eCom All payment options offered by us and our hosting provider for our digital assets comply with the regulations of the PCI-DSS (data security standard of the credit card industry) of the PCI Security Standards Council. It is a collaboration between brands such as Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover. PCI-DSS requirements help to ensure the secure handling of credit card data (including physical, electronic and procedural measures) by our shop and the service providers. ​ Category: Always Regardless of the measures and efforts taken by us and our hosting provider, we cannot and will not guarantee the absolute protection and security of the data that you upload, publish or otherwise pass on to us or others. For this reason, we would like to ask you to set secure passwords and, if possible, not to provide us or others with confidential information, the disclosure of which, in your opinion, could cause you significant or lasting damage. Since e-mail and instant messaging are not considered secure forms of communication, we also ask you not to pass on any confidential information via any of these communication channels. ​ How do we deal with minors? Category: User does NOT collect any data from minors The services are not intended for users who have not yet reached the legal age of majority. We will not knowingly collect information from children. If you are under the age of majority, you should not download or use the Services or provide any information to us. We reserve the right to request proof of age at any time so that we can verify that minors are using our services. In the event that we become aware that a minor is using our services, we can prohibit these users from accessing our services and block them, and we can delete all of the data we have stored about this user. If you have reason to believe that a minor has disclosed data to us, please contact us as explained below. ​ Category: User collects data from minors Children can use our services. However, if you want access to certain functions, you may need to provide certain information. Some data (including data collected through cookies, web beacons, and other similar technologies) may be collected automatically. If we knowingly collect, use, or disclose information we have collected from a child, we will notify it and obtain parental consent in accordance with applicable law. We do not make a child's participation in an online activity conditional on the child providing more contact information than is reasonably necessary to participate in that activity. We only use the information we collect in connection with the services that the child has requested. We may also use a parent's contact details to communicate about the child's activities on the Services. Parents can view information we have collected from their child, prohibit us from collecting any other information about their child, and request that any information we collect be deleted from our records. Please contact us to view, update or delete your child's data. To protect your child, we may ask you to provide proof of your identity. We can deny you access to the data if we believe that your identity is questionable. Please note that certain data cannot be deleted due to other legal obligations. ​ Category: Always We will only use your personal data for the purposes set out in the privacy policy and only if we are convinced that: the use of your personal data is necessary to perform or conclude a contract (e.g. to provide you with the services yourself or to provide customer service or technical support); the use of your personal data is necessary to comply with relevant legal or regulatory obligations, or the use of your personal data is necessary to support our legitimate business interests (provided that this is done at all times in a manner that is proportionate and respects your data protection rights). As an EU resident, you can: request confirmation as to whether or not personal data relating to you is being processed and request access to your stored personal data and certain additional information; request the receipt of personal data that you have provided to us in a structured, common and machine-readable format; request the correction of your personal data that is stored by us; request the deletion of your personal data; object to the processing of your personal data by us; request the restriction of the processing of your personal data, or submit a complaint to a supervisory authority. Please note, however, that these rights are not unlimited and may be subject to our own legitimate interests and regulatory requirements. If you have general questions about the personal information we collect and how we use it, please contact us as detailed below. In the course of providing the services, we can transfer data across borders to affiliated companies or other third parties and from your country / legal system to other countries / legal systems worldwide. By using the services, you consent to the transfer of your data outside of the EEA. If you are based in the EEA, your personal data will only be transferred to locations outside the EEA if we are convinced that there is an adequate or comparable level of protection of personal data. We will take appropriate steps to ensure that we have adequate contractual arrangements with our third parties to ensure that appropriate security measures are in place so that the risk of unlawful use, alteration, deletion, loss or theft of your personal data is minimized and that these third parties act in accordance with applicable law at all times. California Consumer Law Rights If you use the Services as a California resident, you may be entitled under the California Consumer Privacy Act ("CCPA") to request access to and deletion of your information. To exercise your right to access and delete your data, please read below how to contact us. ​ Category: The website does not sell any of its users' data We do not sell users' personal data for the intentions and purposes of the CCPA. ​ Category: Websites with a blog or forum Users of the Services who are California residents and are under the age of 18 can request and obtain the deletion of their published content by email at the address provided in the “Contact Us” section below. These requests must all be marked with “California Removal Request”. All requirements must include a description of the content that you wish to be deleted and sufficient information to enable us to locate the material. We will not accept communications that are not flagged or not properly delivered, and we may not be able to respond if you do not provide sufficient information. Please note that your request does not ensure that the material will be completely or completely deleted. For example, material you post may be republished or reposted by other users or third parties. ​ Updates or changes to the privacy policy Category: Always We may revise this data protection guideline from time to time at our own discretion; the version published on the website is always up-to-date (see information on the "status"). We ask you to check this data protection guideline regularly for changes. In the event of significant changes, we will publish a notice on our website. If you continue to use the services after being notified of changes to our website, this will be considered as your confirmation and consent to the changes to the privacy policy and your agreement to be bound by the terms of these changes. ​ Contact Category: Always If you have general questions about the Services or the information we collect about you and how we use it, please contact us at: Michelle Santy Südstrasse 49 92237 Sulzbach-Rosenberg ​ EXCLUSION CLAUSE The information contained herein is not a substitute for legal advice and should not be relied on alone. Specific requirements regarding legal terms and guidelines may vary from state to state and / or from legal system to legal system. As set out in our Terms of Use, it is your responsibility to ensure that your services are permitted and that you comply with the law that governs you. To ensure that you fully comply with your legal obligations, we expressly recommend that you seek professional advice so that you can better understand which requirements apply specifically to you. Anker 1 Anker 2 Use of your data from the contact form The personal data that you provide to us as part of this contact request will only be used to answer your request or contact you and for the associated technical administration. It will not be passed on to third parties. You have the right to revoke your consent at any time with effect for the future. In this case your personal data will be deleted immediately. Your personal data will also be deleted without your revocation once we have processed your request or you revoke the consent given here for storage. This also happens if the storage is not permitted for other legal reasons. You can find out about the data stored about you at any time.

  • Reitunterricht und Pferdetraining | Tierisch bewegt

    The goal of every rider should be to have a supple horse that enjoys working with the rider. And preferably for many years. In order to achieve this goal, the horse must move freely under the rider and be ridden without force or coercion. Today's strong focus on a beautiful head posture and extravagant gaits unfortunately wrecks the horses too early. When a horse really carries itself, it lifts its chest between the shoulder blades and seeks connection on its own. For this to happen, the horse must have time to build up its muscles, it must not be hindered by excessive hand pressure and it must develop a good body feeling. In my riding lessons and horse training (from the saddle or ground) I introduce you to the biomechanical background of riding and help you develop more feeling for your horse, as well as teaching the horse to carry itself healthily under the rider. Horse training and riding lessons

  • Lab Work | Tierisch bewegt

    Laboratory Testing Diarrhea, itching and hair loss. Sometimes proven home remedies or the emergency medication from the last vet visit help with these symptoms. But sometimes, especially in chronic conditions, nothing seems to help anymore. The laboratory diagnostic examination can shed light on this. ​ ​ ​ Blood Tests Most pet owners are familiar with the large or small blood panel. These provide an overview of the current status. It is important to note that this is a snapshot and the results can change very quickly at any time. Furthermore, specific tests such as the ACTH levels in horses with Cushing's disease or certain hormones can be checked using a blood sample. Allergy tests are also possible. ​ ​ Fecal Examinations The stool sample is an important tool in the parasitological examination (worms, giardia). It is also necessary to monitor the intestinal flora. Are there enough "good" bacteria, or are there already too many "bad" ones? The pH value, fungi, viruses and bacteria can also be detected. In horses, you can also check the sand content in the horse's intestines to prevent sand colic. In dogs, on the other hand, pancreatic elastase can be examined to determine pancreatic insufficiency. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Skin and Hair examinations With the help of mucous membrane swabs, various bacteria and fungi as well as viruses can be detected. Hair and skin scrapings and swabs help identify external bacterial, fungal or parasitic infestations. A coat mineral analysis shows whether there are deficiencies over a longer period of time or whether there has been a prolonged exposure to toxins. Urinalysis The urine can also be tested for pH and bacteria. A urine sample can help diagnose diabetes or kidney or liver failure, but can also provide evidence of kidney tumors. ​ ​ Here is the current price list from Vetscreen: ​ There is also a processing fee of 10-15€ and shipping costs. If an appointment is only made to collect samples, there are additional costs for time and travel.

  • Chiropraktik | Tierisch bewegt

    Chiropractic Chiropractic deals primarily with dysfunctions or subluxations of the joints, especially the spine. Horses and dogs each have over 50 vertebrae. Between each of these vertebrae there are not only joints, but also exit points for nerves. A spinal subluxation can affect the nervous system and consequently also internal organs. In addition, joint dysfunctions lead to a restriction in mobility. In chiropractic I treat functional disorders of the joints. This means that the full range of motion is limited or not present at all. As a chiropractor, I give a targeted thrust to the dysfunctional unit in order to restore mobility.

  • Sporthundebetreuung | Tierisch bewegt

    Today there is a wide variety of dog sports that dog owners can choose between. But no matter what sport is to be practiced, the dog must not be harmed. To ensure this, the dog must be suitable for its sport and it must be physically prepared. As part of the sports dog care, the actual condition of the dog is evaluated, including an exterior assessment (is my dog built for the respective sport?) and willingness to perform, as well as the training supervised. A training plan is created to match this, with exercises for muscle building and / or conditioning training and / or coordination training, adapted to the sporting requirements. Sports dog care (from mid-2022)

  • Naturopathic Consultation | Tierisch bewegt

    Naturopathic consultation - Healing with nature's help At the moment I am still partly in training! Naturopathy has been with us for a very long time. As early as the Middle Ages, people knew that certain plants could help against diseases or inflammation. Today we have a huge variety of products that we can use to support our animals. Please consider that naturopathy does not replace modern medicine! Phytotherapy Or also: healing with herbs. It is probably the most common natural healing method. Who hasn't had chamomile tea for a stomach ache? I would be happy to consult you on the herbs you can use for your horse or dog. ​ Mycotherapy A very special branch of naturopathy is that of medicinal mushrooms. Due to their ingredients, they are able to have a supportive effect on a wide variety of diseases. Medicinal mushrooms are also used in traditional Chinese medicine. ​ ​ Aromatherapy Essential oils not only smell good, they also have a firm position in naturopathy. The oils can already be absorbed through the skin, even better through the nasal mucosa. From here they can influence the entire organism. The effects range from anti-inflammatory to antipruritic to calming. Homeopathy Homeopathy is a very complex science in itself and is not my area of expertise. In addition, it is restricted by the new Veterinary Drugs Act in its application to animals. That's why I limit myself accordingly to the heel ad. us. vet products at a homeopathic consultation.

  • Über mich | Tierisch bewegt

    About me ​ My passion for animals made me decide to become an animal physiotherapist. I grew up mainly with cats, later also with the first family dog, the golden retriever Rusty. Riding has been my favorite hobby since I was allowed to start at the age of 11. I started as a show jumper and after a few years I mutated into a dressage freak. In the meantime, I particularly enjoy working with young horses or correction horses. Since 2020, the shepherd lady May has enriched my life and together we venture into the world of dog sports, from agility to canicross. In April 2022 a little surprise tumbled into my life and Cody the Cocker Spaniel moved in. Due to a growth disorder that led to a luxating patella, several veterinarians wanted to euthanize him. I was convinced that he could be helped and I took him in without further ado. Together, the two ensure that I never get bored. ​ Primary and Further Education ​ The knowledge I have learned and the manual techniques enable me to increase the well-being of the animal and give it more joy in movement. I always enjoy seeing positive changes in my patients. That's why I'm always trying to acquire new knowledge, whether through specialist literature or attending seminars. ​ 2016 - 2018: Studies in animal physiotherapy for horses and dogs at the Academy for Animal Naturopathy (ATM) 2017-2018: Studies chiropractic for horses and dogs at the ATM 2019-2021: Qualification course to become a horse specialist at the European Horse Academy 2020- : Studies in acupuncture and naturopathy for horses, dogs and cats at the ATM 2020- : Studies in dog sport sciences at the ATM ​ 06/09/2018: The Tellington TTouch method basic course with Skara Günther 05/30/2019: Seminar on leech therapy with Georg Moser (animal therapy center) 26.10.-27.10.2019: Dry needling for horses with Dr. re. of course Jeanette Rudolph (Vetwissen) August 2nd, 2020: Kinesio taping for horses with Esther Weber-Voigt 08/27/2020: Kinesio taping for dogs with Dr. Sabine Mai (Dogtisch Academy) January 2021: Webinar "Active Training in Physiotherapy" with Carmen Heritier March 18th, 2021: Webinar "Little moppel - overweight animals" with veterinarian Nina Blaschke 03/30/2021 and 04/06/2021: Webinar "Understanding X-ray images" with veterinarian Kim Übermuth 13.11.-14.11.2021: VetScreen laboratory basic seminar 01/13/2022: "Athletes as lifesavers - rescue dogs in prevention and therapy" with veterinarian Dr Juliane Waas February 12-13, 2022: VetScreen laboratory advanced seminar April 2022: Naturopathy consultant for dogs with Paulina Adamczyk (Dogtisch Akademie) November 14, 2020: Participation in the 3rd Animal Physiotherapists Conference with specialist lectures on mycotherapy, cupping therapy, trigger point treatment, physio-riding and orthopedic acupuncture German Riding Badge of the KL. IV German lunging badge of the KL. V Assistant trainer in mass riding

  • Tierisch bewegt | Ganzheitliche Tiertherapie Michelle Santy | Sulzbach-Rosenberg

    Welcome! Physiotherapy and chiropractic are well-known forms of therapy in human medicine. They have become essential to treating orthopedic medical conditions. It stands to reason that what is good for us humans is also good for our animals. Just like us, they have tension, stiffness and pain. Manual therapies such as physiotherapy and chiropractic help your pet move painlessly and with more joy. With my mobile practice, I come to your home or the stable and treat your animal individually, tailored to its needs. Contact News European Pet Pharmacy ​ ​ I am now a partner of European Pet Pharmacy. The Swedish company produces supplements for dogs in food quality and completely without fillers that can cause problems for allergy sufferers. Whether young or old, osteoarthritis patient or active athlete, there is something for everyone. ​ Click here to come to the European Pet Pharmacy shop. our_services Physical Therapy More info Chiropractic More info Leech Therapy More info Naturopathic advisory More info Acupuncture More info Canine Athlete Care More info Horsetraining and Riding Lessons More info Seminars for Pet Owners More info When does my pet need physiotherapy? Animals can compensate for minor stiffness and tension. Regular checks prevent small problems from becoming big ones. This way injuries as well as premature joint or tendon wear can be prevented. Prevention in young, working and sport animals Kontakt ​Email: Tel: 0151-14863160 Michelle Santy 1:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Saturday ​ Sunday emergencies only telephone availability If I cannot be reached by phone, I am very likely in session with a patient. You are welcome to leave a message or send an e-mail and I will contact you as soon as possible. Alternatively, you can also use the contact form. Contact I have read the Privacy Policy note. I have read the privacy policy and I agree to it. Submit Thanks very much! Very pleasant manner and a lot of knowledge Great work. Horse has relaxed nicely and it has become permanently more supple - Nathalie S. My older horse benefits so much from the treatment and there are also great training tips and something to learn! - Nannette W. - Sabrina W.

  • Kurse für Tierhalter | Tierisch bewegt

    Courses for pet owners (currently available in German only) Would you like to learn to support your dog yourself between treatments? Not sure how to do your warm-up before dog sport? Would you like to learn more about your pet's body? Then you can book a course for your club, private stable community, dog school, etc. with me. ​ The following topics are available: Massage and stretching (max. 16 people (horse) or 20 people (dog)) Warm-up, cool-down and muscle building in dogs Horse / dog anatomy Biomechanical principles of riding Musculoskeletal disorders ​ A minimum of 8 participants is required for the courses. There is no upper limit to the number of participants in the theory seminars.

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