Holistic Veterinary Physiotherapy
Michelle Santy
Physical Therapy
In physiotherapy, the entire musculoskeletal system with muscles, tendons, ligaments, connective tissue and joints is considered. All of these individual units are networked with one another and form a complex mechanism. Even the smallest tension or joint issue can lead to major dysfunctions. Affected animals often show a limited range of motion and ability to perform and/or a reduced general well-being.
I work almost exclusively with my hands and use various massage and mobilization techniques. But every animal is different and every disease requires different therapeutic approaches and so different devices are included.
Physiotherapy offer
classic massage
active and passive mobilization
Muscle building and active exercise therapy
Gait training and proprioception training
Magnetic field therapy
Electro therapy
Laser therapy
Dry needling for horses
Kinesio taping
Moor wraps
Treatment of neurological failures
Tellington TTouches and body straps